A fast-paced fantasy adventure that turns children onto the fun of Shakespeare.
Twelve-year-old Lindsey is in for the adventure of her life when she jets off to visit a rich old aunt on the tropical Isle of Elsinore. Populated by exotic animals, quirky robots, and spry, poetry-loving oldsters, Elsinore seems like a topsy-turvy paradise until the mysterious Jedgar starts threatening the island. As Lindsey and her pals band together to unlock the mystery, all clues point to Shakespeare who turns out to be-or not to be-the key.
Scientists predict that life expectancy will take a leap within the next thirty years. What will society be like? Elsinore provides a humorous peek by setting the story in a high-tech, multi-ethnic, golden age community. Thrust into this thriving, close-knit world is Lindsey, a sympathetic heroine. Both gutsy and insecure, she’s a typical child that youngsters easily relate to, and her quest for inner balance reflects the universal childhood experience. As she confronts external and internal conflicts, she gains a level of introspection and maturity-and also learns a lot of Shakespeare.
The magical whale-shaped island of Elsinore adds to the fun as the children travel-by blimp, helicopter, and hot-air balloon-in search of clues. Between earthquakes, floods and wild animals, travel on foot turns dangerous, and Lindsey and her friends are forced to explore from a bird’s eye view. The chase to outwit a dreaded enemy leads them into Arden Forest, the forbidden Pink Zone, and beyond Elsinore to the Jedgar’s Inferno, a volcanic island gone berserk.
The book contains a map of Elisinore Island and other illustrations.

Available in Paperback, Kindle and Audiobook editions.

Born in Puerto Rico in 1897, the charismatic Felisa Rincón de Gautier grew up to become­­ Mayor of San Juan and the first woman in the western world to run a capital city. Felisa and the Magic Coquí is her true-life story in fable form as an itsy-bitsy coquí, mascot of her land, inspires her to face challenges with courage. A lesson in leadership for children ages 8–11.

English Edition

Available in Paperback from Amazon Prime

La dinámica Felisa Rincón de Gautier nació en Puerto Rico en el 1897 y llegó a ser la primera mujer en el mundo occidental a ser elegida como alcaldesa de una ciudad capital. Felisa y el Mágico Coquí cuenta en forma de fábula su verdadera vida cuando un pequeñito coquí, mascota de su isla, la inspira a afrontar con valor los retos. Para niños de edad 8-11.

Spanish Edition

Available in Paperback from Amazon Prime

Felisa Rincón de Gautier, née au Porto Rico en 1897, est devenue maire de San Juan grâce à son charisme, et fut ainsi la première femme en occident à administrer une grande capitale. Felisa et le Coqui magique raconte, sous forme de fable, l’histoire vraie de sa vie, et de la minuscule grenouille coqui, porte-bonheur de son pays, qui lui insuffle le courage de faire face aux difficultés. Une leçon de générosité et de réussite, pour les enfants de 8 à 11 ans.

French Edition

Available in Paperback from Amazon Prime

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